TAP FURY (2015)

An idea that was born just by having a casual discussion with a friend of mine Dylan Abela! We wanted to create a game where player's would have to use their quick wits and discover quick ways in defeating their opponent, using a turn based system.

The concept of Tap Fury is simple: A 4*4 (16) tiles will be laid out in front of the player, every few seconds the tiles will be filled with one of the four colours either; green, red, blue or violet, each colour has a different effect which could hinder or aid the player. The player must inflict as much damage as they can by selecting 4 adjacent tiles at one go and swiping them to deal an attack, by combining colours different attacks or status alignments will be inflicted. The objective of the game is to defeat your opponent’s life gauge as fast as you can, before they defeat you!

Genre: Puzzle

Team: Sean Savona (Design), Dylan Abela (Programming)



The combat state will be divided into two sections: the opponents half and the players half:

Opponent's half - This half will contain the character portraits, background, timer, special effects and currencies.

Players Half - The most important half, the playing board that displays: The tiles, health points, actions bars etc.

The main mechanic is tile tapping; A tile has three states: Unfrozen, frozen and claimed tiles

Unfrozen - A tile is considered unfrozen if the player does not tap on it; players cannot swipe adjacent tiles if the tile is in an unfrozen state!

Frozen - If the player taps a tile then it is considered as frozen; adjacent frozen tiles can be swiped to cause an effect on either you or the opponent. The player will have a limited amount of tiles that they can freeze, this will depend on the player's action bar, therefore choose wisely! The player can tap a frozen tile to unfreeze them at any time. However they will lose a small amount of health as a penalty!

Claimed - Frozen tiles that have been swiped by adjacent frozen tiles will be marked as claimed! Once the enemy player’s action bar reaches zero, another random colour will be automatically assigned to them again.



Status alignments that affect either you or your opponent, the player will have a selection of four colours: Red, blue, green, violet:

Red - Deals damage to the opponent

Blue - Slows down the opponent's action bar (There is a cap)

Green - Heals the player’s life points

Violet - Adds a poison stack, to activate the stacks, the player must select the opponents portrait to activate the poison. The more stacks the player accumulates (cap of 5) the longer the status alignment will last.

If the player swipes frozen tiles that are adjacent and have the same colour a bonus will be added that will amplify the effect even further!


world design

The world map will contain the player’s progression, displaying the area and characters that they can potentially face. Initially the player will start out in a small town, starter zone. As they progress, parts of the town will unlock, allowing them to challenge other people! The map will function vertically, meaning that the first combat zone will be at the bottom, as the player defeats opponents they will be able to scroll up to challenge other people in different parts of the town.