Sean Savona

Welcome stranger! Sean is a level designer currently at Cloud Imperium Games situated in the United Kingdom.

He graduated with a Bachelor of Science (B.S) (Honours) in Creative Computing from the University of London Goldsmiths. He has a deep passion for the virtual game world, some of which include: mechanics, narration and world creations.

The thirst for video games began at a young age with the likes of Crash Bandicoot, Quake, Total War and Commander & Conquer. Over the millennia, his frontal lobe decided that understanding the psychology and anatomy of their construction would be the only way to quench his desire to entertain himself as well as other innocent minions.

Using tools such as: Unreal Engine 4, Unity 3D, 3DS max and Maya, he began working on projects and participating in game jams to add more skill points into his mystery tree, to this day he still does and can't get enough!