The vampire strikes back (2014)

A 2D, birds eye game that tests players reflexes by taking control of a Vampire to satisfy their lust for blood! Hide in small alleyways to avoid being seen, once a citizen comes around, pounce on them to suck their juicy blood. A cloud of light will start at the bottom of the screen and move upwards, you must keep moving otherwise it will burn you with its abnormal white light and the game will end. The more victims consumed, the faster you will travel creating a bigger gap between you and the light cloud! A bar will be displayed symbolising your blood lust, as you travel the bar will deplete, the only way to increase it is by claiming more victims! 

Genre: Action 

Team: Sean Savona :( (Design)



1.      Hold your finger on the device to move forward.

2.      To move either left or right, let go of your finger in a timed fashion.

3.      Swipe either left or right pounce on a victim to suck their blood.

4.      Once a victim has had their blood sucked, your avatar will remain at the centre of the screen, hold your finger on the screen to keep on moving forward.


evil cloud

The cloud feature is a similar mechanic that is used in subway surfer a police officer is constantly chasing you, the player cannot see the officer but know that he is right behind them. This creates tension and little room for error on the player’s behalf. The light cloud will act similar to the police officer, as the player is further away from it, it can potentially move down off the screen. This will indicate to the player that they are far ahead of it, however if the player starts making bad choices and mistakes the cloud will move evermore slightly closer to the avatar meaning that one or two bad decisions can potentially lose you the game!



There will be multiple types of citizens, each will have different sight radii. There are 3 different types of rangers: 1 being the weakest, 3 being the strongest. The stronger the level, the further they can see, making it easier for them to spot you. The higher the level the more points and thirst is awarded to you if you pounce on them.