Go farm yourself! (2015)

Another cracking idea that originated from idle talk between me and my good friend Dylan Abela; Go Farm Yourself will take advantage of incremental game-play that is very popular amongst developers such as Kongregate. Incremental games are quite an anomaly in the video game industry, watching a game playing by itself can be interpreted by many as an oxymoron. 

Build and cultivate your farm to the fullest by generating resources and satisfying neighbouring families. Discover new and hidden features, scroll through a wide magnitude of upgrades that will benefit your play sessions. Progress through time and the strides in technology by keeping up with family demands and your own needs. Your farm will grow, even in darkness when there is no light, when the player is away from the device it will continue to gather resources. Once the player returns they will have a wonderful surprise when they see all the accumulated gold they can spend!

Genre: incremental/Idle game

Team: Sean Savona (Design), Dylan Abela (Programming & Design)


incremental game play

Gold is the primary resource in the game, there will be two ways in gathering gold:

Automated - Players will receive gold gradually without any form of interaction; if the player exits the game, the amount of gold acquired will increase at a steady rate. However, this will not be as fast as the player tapping on the resources; since it is a periodic way of gathering gold. Automated gathering will not upgrade your farm to a new tier; it will remain at the cap, it is the player who has to manually upgrade the tier.

Taping (optional player interaction) - Tapping is the other way for players to gather resources; the player needs to tap on spawning stars (red x is a tap) to collect gold and increase the tier bar. The tier bar is the levelling system, the higher the tier number the more researching and upgrading can be done to your farm! 



A secondary objective to the game is to satisfy family needs by donating resources to them. The purpose of this is to give players sub tasks to do and add more micro strategy to their game-play experience. This is perfect way in giving players tasks to do to obtain a additional rewards. 


Sticker book

Cards that have been collected from families will be stored in the players sticker book, here players can view all their cards or synthesise them by breaking them down to extra gold or help with the global gold increase. There will be 3 different colours of borders for each deck; each colour will represent a rarity. The rarer the card is the better passive/active/coins the card is worth.

1.      Black = normal card

2.      Blue = rare card

3.      Purple = super rare card

The Sticker Book will contain roughly 25-50 cards per category, the following could be potential categories. It would be nice to add some educational elements to make people more aware of what is around us. Remember each category can be assessed by completing resource requirements from their respective families!